Saturday, January 10, 2009

Guide me through uncharted waters

I unexpectedly received a so called "belated christmas present" from anonymous today . . .
Thank you to whoever you are, but who are you ?
You know my name, my number, and I know you'll read my blog, I guess? Lol.
It's kinda frustrating to try and figure out who is it you see =X
I had a wishful thinking, that it'll be from some person.
But it's not, the handwriting and the standard of english doesn't match the one in mind, haha.

Working now just gives me hell, I can never do it alone :\
I have my flaws, I admit I have slow reactions, I'm clumsy and blur at times. . .
I can even try so hard to find something when it's right in front of my eyes, lol.
Oh, but I have my flawless points . . .
I just have a sense of leadership, high esteem, big ego, confidence, I always find myself walking in the front . . .
It could become a flaw and it'll become arrogance, haha.
I treat my family well despite being labeled as a "bad person", unlike somebody . . .
He reads my blog so I can't say anything unpleasant =X
I can be overwhelmed with determination when I really want to do something, O Levels is one example . . .
I tend to ignore criticisms that will demoralize me and lower my morale, I'll only accept constructive criticisms that inspires me.
And I have this very special aura that dazzle people, hahah! =X

I'm drifting away with myself already ~

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