Friday, April 3, 2009

Should have go but I've lost my judgement

Dumb fuck, the bloody flight was canceled due to the faulty engine, chicken pie . . .
I feel more bad for my mom, she's been at the airport since 12 in the noon (Singapore time), delayed for 7 hours before informing her that the flight's postponed zzz . . .
So she'll be here tomorrow, booo ~

Anyway, they field game with my uncle wasn't really satisfying, too many players, so I just played the first half, only :\
I didn't really touch the ball, didn't not even had the chance to take a shot, gah !
Had some sleek one-touch passes though, 360 and diving, ha!
I was actually playing for uncle's beer company team, lol, so most of them are middle aged men, lol.
Maybe there's we'll play again next week? I don't know, hopefully, heh.

I lurrrvvve the orange jersey, and socks, that were provided siol, lol.

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