Sunday, April 19, 2009

Like waiting for the sunshine in this never ending eclipse

The outing was rather fun today, had lunch at Suntec's Pizza Hut.
And everyone's in such a post-orientation mood, in which we ended up playing dumb orientation sit-in-a-circle games, lol ! Yes, it look so lame and dumb but when we started playing I don't know why I was like having so much fun, haha !
See, there's a difference playing it with friends and a bunch of strangers. There's nothing to feel embarrass about, no awkwardness, just laugh and laugh and laugh ~

Well, everyone's just talking about Poly . . . . . Ah, I will be there 2 years later, I'm working towards it no doubt. I don't want to have this dumb lagging behind perception . . .
I want to have a positive thinking, I don't want to dread going to school, I want to try blending into the school, my class, positively of course . . . No, I need to.

Watching United v Everton right now, sorry about the previous post when I said it was Spurs, I got it wrong =X.
Will update the results tomorrow, plus pictures hopefully, took quite alot, haha ~

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