Saturday, February 14, 2009

On a valentines' day . . .

Okay, obviously my previous post was ridiculously fake . . .
I even made myself feel like shit posting that happy crap.

Sighs, this time round, I've really thought about it . . . I've gone through much and I've had enough.
I've thought about myself, thought about what the voices said to me, and I'm starting to make everything look sensible . . .
Like what my best friend said, "No girl, so? What's wrong with being single?"
I guess it's still not the end of the world yet, there's so much more to live for. I'd just set my sight far and wide rather than concentrate on the one thing that I thought meant to me the most. I should also care about the people whom I meant to too . . . I shouldn't be letting them feel sick of me anymore I guess . . .
I've sorted everything out during my shift break yesterday, doing and saying the things maybe for the last time, I guess it's time to leave this part of my life behind now. It's time for a change, just take things as it goes, great if I hear the good, too bad if I don't . . . So it'll be, just like that.
I'm genuinely not feeling miserable already, neither am I happy.
I just feel normal, perfectly normal . . .

Happy Valentines' Day (:
Spent the first few hours of valentines' day with CC, as he came over to my place again, lol.
And now . . . Gotta go work on a valentines' day, and it's gonna be so busy ZZZZ . . . .

My insides all turned to ash, so slow.
And blew away as I collapsed, so cold.
A black wind took them away, from sight.
And held the darkness over day, that night.

And the clouds above move closer, looking so dissatisfied,
but the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing.

I used to be my own protection, but not now.
Cause my path had lost direction, somehow.
A black wind took you away, from sight.
And now the darkness over day, that night.

And the clouds above more closer, looking so dissatisfied,
and the ground below grew colder, as they put you down inside
but the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing.

So now you're gone, and I was wrong.
I never knew what it was like, to be alone,

On a Valentines' Day . . . .

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