Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Stop pretending

I have to admit, sometimes I feel I'm hiding behind a smile filled with miseries.
I've tried my very best to stay strong, and I know I will,
I just need more time to alter the state of my mind . . .

At least for now work is keeping me busy and cheerful.
It's like the happiest time in the day, but when I'm home, I'll be too tired to think of anything but sleep, lol.

Today's an exception, it's just so sudden . . .
I don't want to feel like this, I really hate it, but I can't help it.
Feeling desperate, heart aching, depressed and desolate of the soul. I feel like I'm being stabbed and trying to smile and stay happy at the same time, I really don't know . . .
I really do not want to ever let go

all the hopes will turn to reality and the tragedies to forgotten memories . . .

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