Friday, October 23, 2009

All we need is to voice out, it's all about the awareness

Went to Katong's APSN school for adults with special needs, heh.
To them, that's like a university where they are are 19 years old and above, learning skills to find a job . . . They worked so hard just to get a job as a grass cutter, cleaner, gardeners, those utterly low pay jobs.
And today, I've learned alot, and more aware about these people, had a telematch WITH them, and how soccer can be such a great type of bonding, lol.
And thank goodness Melinda is here, she's always here to bring out the enthusiasm in us (:
Nevertheless, although I have a much greater understanding, I'll still make fun of them, just not in front of them will do. They are human, we are human, just that they're intellectually handicapped, they are very genuine people, you can give them your phone number and when you don't answer their calls they'll get worried. We were treated like VIPs, like mentors, when we stepped into the school, they're like little kids stuck in an adult's body.
Still, they're hilarious, but also very nice people, haha ~
But, I still rather go cycling at east coast . . . . .

Okay, whatever, I don't sound like myself @_@
Went for a hair cut after that, as usual, it was a heart breaker . . . I was caught by the fucking fat man and he told me to go home . . . Then I went out and sneaked in from another gate zzz . . .

We're not allowed to post their photos here because majority of parents doesn't want to let anyone know the fact that their children are intellectually disabled . . .
Just respecting the decision, I don't wanna get sued anyway, lol.

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