Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The last fight

Funny Jokes Or Not?

1. A blonde was bragging about her knowledge of international capitals.
She proudly asked her friend, "Go ahead and test me! I know all of them!"
Then her friend asked her, "Okay, so what's the capital of France?"
The blonde replied, "Oh, that is so easy! F!"

2. A blonde and her friend were watching the 10pm news, it was currently showing a man up on a ledge and threatening to jump, then it was time for a commercial break.
The blonde's friend said, "I bet you $10 he's going to jump."
The blonde agreed and said that he would not jump.
Back to the news, and indeed the man jump off the building and died.
The blonde admitted defeat and took out her purse, but her friend stopped her,
"I was just playing I've already watched the 6pm news and I already knew that he jumped, keep your money!" The blonde's friend said.
But the blonde insisted that she take the money and said, "I know, I saw the 6pm news too, but I did not think that he would be so stupid to jump TWICE!"

3. Two friends, Tom and Dick went for a drink at a pub and they started chatting.
Tom said," I was married 3 times, and I will never marry again."
Dick, "Why?"
"My first two wives, died of eating poison mushrooms and my third wife died because of a severe head injury." Tom explained.
"That's a shame, how did your third wife get the head injury in the first place?" Dick asked.
And Tom replied, "Because she wouldn't eat the mushrooms!!"

Okay, I got all these from one of the jokes applications in my iPod touch, lol.

Visiting the Navy base tomorrow,
have to wake up in the morning feeling like fucking shit cause it's so early and I'm so tired cause I can't get more sleep.
Before I leave, brush my teeth, with a bottle of . . . . .

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