Monday, April 26, 2010

You got me running running running away

It goes on for so long, I'm grateful, I'm happy, I appreciate it, but now I'm tired . . . .
I really do not want this, anything but this . . . And it sucks being in this scene . . . .
The awkwardness, frustrations, miseries . . .
I'm sorry that I couldn't live up to your expectations, what more can I say . . .
I realized after all, I'm not the one, and right now I feel that you deserve better.

Some one who will treat you better, some one who will know and do what your heart wants without you even saying . . .
After almost a year, I'm not good enough . . .

I'm sorry, I love you, really do.
I wonder how life would be, I would still be facing you everyday.
The more sick I'll get, seeing you but knowing that you're not mine anymore.
After so long, less than 2 weeks to a year's anniversary . . . And this is how it goes.
A bad twist in the fairytale.

I'll understand if you were to really leave.
Don't worry, I'll try to bear with it . . .
I miss you . . .

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