Monday, April 18, 2011

First day of school for the 2376493842th time

Gonna shower in 15 minutes time.
Time to get ready...

I always wanted this since 2 years ago, and I still can't believe that it's going to happen now.
I guy like me, getting one of the better courses in Poly, unbelievable.
It sounds like a good story to tell,
"I flunked my Os, and no poly wanted to accept my appeal, got into ITE and worked hard for the chance and finally made it in to NP accountancy."

And so I'm gonna cherish the chance that I've earned myself and not from God.
I've wasted too much time and I'm not getting any younger!
I've gotta work real hard for the next 3 years cause it will not be easy...

Gonna bathe now.
Good life ahead, hopefully :)

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